Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Talent show!!!!

Hey! so me and my friends Karsyn,and Brittany are doing a dance to the song foot loose in the talent show at my school and we're performing for talent show for everyone in Coweta to perform and watch! i'm SO excited! and they're coming over today to practice for a few hours! and for our outfits were going to wear our toto's! wich mite sound wierd or babyish it is the new thing here in Coweta and they're awesome!:) so were gonna wear our toto's, MAKEUP ,side pony tails, shoes that are easy to kick off so we can "kick off our Sunday shoes!" legings and an adorable top the we havent exactly planned yet! so excited and i so can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)TTYL!

me and Karsyn with some awesome glasses that we're hoping to get and wear in the talent show!

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